Jacobi method

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to implement a parallel version of the one-dimensional Jacobi method using PartitionedArrays. Before you start, please make sure to have installed the following packages:

using Pkg

Learning Outcomes

In this notebook, you will learn:

  • How to parallelize the one-dimensional Jacobi method
  • How create a block partition with ghost cells
  • How to run functions in parallel using map
  • How to update ghost cells using consistent!
  • The debugging vs. MPI execution mode
  • How to execute the parallel Julia code with MPI

The Jacobi method for the Laplace equation

The Jacobi method is a numerical tool to solve systems of linear algebraic equations. One of the main applications of the Jacobi method is to solve the equations resulting from boundary value problems (BVPs). I.e., given the values at the boundary (of a grid), we are interested in finding the interior values that fulfill a certain equation.

A sketch of the discretization of the one-dimensional Laplace equation with boundary conditions is given in the figure below. A possible application of the 1D Laplace equation is e.g. to simulate the temperature of a thin bar where both ends of the bar are kept at a constant temperature.


When solving the Laplace equation in 1D, the Jacobi method leads to the following iterative scheme: The entry $i$ of vector $u$ at iteration $t+1$ is computed as:

\[u^{t+1}_i = \dfrac{u^t_{i-1}+u^t_{i+1}}{2}\]

Sequential version

The following code implements the iterative scheme above for boundary conditions -1 and 1 on a grid with $n$ interior points and niter number of iterations.

function jacobi(n,niters)
    u = zeros(n+2)
    u[1] = -1
    u[end] = 1
    u_new = copy(u)
    for t in 1:niters
        for i in 2:(n+1)
            u_new[i] = 0.5*(u[i-1]+u[i+1])
        u, u_new = u_new, u

12-element Vector{Float64}:

In this version of the Jacobi method, we return after a given number of iterations. Other stopping criteria are possible. For instance, iterate until the difference between u and u_new is below a tolerance.

Extracting parallelism

Consider the two nested loops of the Jacobi function and to analyze where parallelism can be exploited:

for t in 1:nsteps
    for i in 2:(n+1)
        u_new[i] = 0.5*(u[i-1]+u[i+1])
    u, u_new = u_new, u
  • The outer loop cannot be parallelized. The value of u at step t+1 depends on the value at the previous step t.
  • The inner loop can be parallelized.

Partitioning scheme

We chose block partitioning to distribute data u over several processes. The image below illustrates the partitioning with 3 processes.


Data dependencies

Recall the Jacobi update:

u_new[i] = 0.5*(u[i-1]+u[i+1])

Thus, in order to update the local entries in u_new, we also need remote entries of vector u located in neighboring processes. Figure below shows the entries of u needed to update the local entries of u_new in a particular process (CPU 2).


Ghost (aka halo) cells

A usual way of implementing the Jacobi method and related algorithms is using so-called ghost cells. Ghost cells represent the missing data dependencies in the data owned by each process. After importing the appropriate values from the neighbor processes one can perform the usual sequential Jacobi update locally in the processes.


Thus, the algorithm is usually implemented following two main phases at each iteration Jacobi:

  1. Fill the ghost entries with communications
  2. Do the Jacobi update sequentially at each process

Parallel version

Next, we will implement a parallelized version of Jacobi method using partitioned arrays. The parallel function will take the number of processes $p$ as an additional argument.

function jacobi_par(n,niters,p)
  # TODO
using PartitionedArrays

Define the grid size n and the number of iterations niters. We also specify the number of processors as 3.

n = 10
niters = 100
p = 3;

The following line creates an array of Julia type LinearIndices. This array holds linear indices of a specified range and shape (documentation).

ranks = LinearIndices((p,))
3-element LinearIndices{1, Tuple{Base.OneTo{Int64}}}:

Debug Mode

While developing the parallel Jacobi method, we can make use of PartitionedArrays debug mode to test parallel code before running it in MPI. When running the code in parallel using MPI, the data type MPIArray is used to hold the partitioned data. This array type is not as flexible as standard Julia arrays and many operations are not allowed for MPIArray for performance reasons. For instance, it is not permitted to index arbitrary entries.

Essentially, in debug mode one uses the data structure DebugArray, which is a wrapper of a standard Julia array and can therefore be used in sequential debugging sessions. This allows for easier development of parallel code, since debugging on multiple running instances can be challenging. Additionally, DebugArray emulates the limitations of MPIArray, which enables the user to detect possible MPI-related errors while debugging the code in sequential. For more information on debug and MPI mode, see the Usage section of the documentation.

ranks = DebugArray(LinearIndices((p,)))
3-element DebugArray{Int64, 1}:
[1] = 1
[2] = 2
[3] = 3

To demonstrate that DebugArray emulates the limitations of MPIArray, run the following code. It is expected to throw an error, since indexing is not permitted.

catch e
ErrorException("Scalar indexing on DebugArray is not allowed for performance reasons.")

Partition the data

Next, we create a distributed partition of the data. Using PartitionedArrays.jl method uniform_partition, one can generate a block partition with roughly equal block sizes. It is also possible to create multi-dimensional partitions and to create ghost cells with uniform_partition. For more information on the function, view the documentation.

The following line divides the n=10 grid points into p=3 approximately equally sized blocks and assigns the corresponding row indices to the ranks.

row_partition = uniform_partition(ranks,p,n)
3-element DebugArray{PartitionedArrays.LocalIndicesWithConstantBlockSize{1}, 1}:
[1] = [1, 2, 3]
[2] = [4, 5, 6]
[3] = [7, 8, 9, 10]

As discussed above, the Jacobi method requires the neighboring values $u_{i-1}$ and $u_{i+1}$ to update $u_i$. Therefore, some neighboring values that are stored on remote processes need to be communicated in each iteration. To store these neighbor values, we add ghost cells to the partition using uniform_partition with optional argument ghost=true.

ghost = true
row_partition = uniform_partition(ranks,p,n,ghost)
3-element DebugArray{PermutedLocalIndices{PartitionedArrays.LocalIndicesWithConstantBlockSize{1}}, 1}:
[1] = [1, 2, 3, 4]
[2] = [3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
[3] = [6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

Note that rows 3, 4, 6, and 7 are now stored on more than one process. The DebugArray also keeps the information about which process is the owner of each row. It is possible to retrieve this information with function local_to_owner. The output is a DebugArray of the rank ids of the owner of each element.

3-element DebugArray{PartitionedArrays.LocalToOwner{Vector{Int32}}, 1}:
[1] = Int32[1, 1, 1, 2]
[2] = Int32[1, 2, 2, 2, 3]
[3] = Int32[2, 3, 3, 3, 3]

Likewise, it is possible to view which are the ghost cells in each partition:

map(local_to_ghost, row_partition)
3-element DebugArray{PartitionedArrays.LocalToGhost{Vector{Int32}}, 1}:
[1] = Int32[0, 0, 0, 1]
[2] = Int32[1, 0, 0, 0, 2]
[3] = Int32[1, 0, 0, 0, 0]

And, which process is the owner of the local ghost cells:

map(ghost_to_owner, row_partition)
3-element DebugArray{Vector{Int32}, 1}:
[1] = Int32[2]
[2] = Int32[1, 3]
[3] = Int32[2]

The following line initializes the data structure that will hold the solution $u$ and fill it with all zero values.

u = pzeros(Float64,row_partition)
10-element PVector partitioned into 3 parts of type Vector{Float64}

Note that, like DebugArray, a PVector represents an array whose elements are distributed (i.e. partitioned) across processes, and indexing is disabled here as well. Therefore, the following examples are expected to raise an error.

catch e
ErrorException("Scalar indexing on PVector is not allowed for performance reasons.")

To view the local values of a partitioned vector, use method partition or local_values.

3-element DebugArray{Vector{Float64}, 1}:
[1] = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
[2] = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
[3] = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

Partition returns a DebugArray, so again indexing, such as in the following examples, is not permitted.

catch e
ErrorException("Scalar indexing on DebugArray is not allowed for performance reasons.")

Initialize boundary conditions

The values of the partition are still all 0, so next we need to set the correct boundary conditions: $u(0) = -1$ and $u(L)= 1$.

Since PVector is distributed, one process cannot access the values that are owned by other processes, so we need to find a different approach. Each process can set the boundary conditions locally. This is possible with the following piece of code. Using Julia function map, the function set_bcs is executed locally by each process on its locally available part of partition(u). These local partitions are standard Julia Vectors and are allowed to be indexed.

function set_bcs(my_u,rank)
    if rank == 1
       my_u[1] = 1
    if rank == 3
       my_u[end] = -1
3-element DebugArray{Vector{Float64}, 1}:
[1] = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
[2] = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
[3] = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0]

Using map we can apply the boundary conditions to each vector within the DebugArray individually. The result is that the local border cells (= ghost cells), which are not global borders, will be initialized with values -1 and 1 as well. But this is not a problem since the ghost cells are overwritten with the values of the neighboring process in each iteration.

map(partition(u)) do my_u
    my_u[1] = 1
    my_u[end] = -1
3-element DebugArray{Vector{Float64}, 1}:
[1] = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0]
[2] = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0]
[3] = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0]

Remember that to perform the Jacobi update, alternate writing to one data structure u and another u_new was required. Hence, we need to create a second data structure to hold a copy of our partition. Using Julia function copy, the new object has the same type and values as the original data structure u.

u_new = copy(u)
3-element DebugArray{Vector{Float64}, 1}:
[1] = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0]
[2] = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0]
[3] = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0]

Communication of ghost cell values

The PartitionedArrays package provides method consistent! to update all ghost values of partition u with the values from the corresponding remote owners. Thus, the local values are made globally consistent. The function returns a Task, such that latency hiding is enabled (i.e. other computations can be performed between calling consistent! and wait). In the first iteration, calling consistent! effectively overwrites the initialization of the ghost values with values -1 and 1.

t = consistent!(u)

3-element DebugArray{Vector{Float64}, 1}:
[1] = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
[2] = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
[3] = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0]

Updating grid values with Jacobi iteration

After having updated the ghost cells, each process can perform the Jacobi update on its local data. To perform the update on each part of the data in parallel, we again use map. You can verify that the grid points are updated correctly by running one iteration of the Jacobi method on the partitioned vectors u and u_new with the following code:

map(partition(u),partition(u_new)) do my_u, my_u_new
    my_n = length(my_u)
    for i in 2:(my_n-1)
        my_u_new[i] = 0.5*(my_u[i-1]+my_u[i+1])
3-element DebugArray{Vector{Float64}, 1}:
[1] = [1.0, 0.5, 0.0, -1.0]
[2] = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0]
[3] = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.5, -1.0]

Final parallel implementation

To conclude, we can combine the steps to a final parallel implementation:

function jacobi_par(n,niters,p)
    ranks = DebugArray(LinearIndices((p,)))
    ghost = true
    row_partition = uniform_partition(ranks,p,n,ghost)
    u = pzeros(Float64,row_partition)
    map(partition(u)) do my_u
        my_u[1] = 1
        my_u[end] = -1
    u_new = copy(u)
    for iter in 1:niters
        t = consistent!(u)
        map(partition(u),partition(u_new)) do my_u, my_u_new
            my_n = length(my_u)
            for i in 2:(my_n-1)
                my_u_new[i] = 0.5*(my_u[i-1]+my_u[i+1])
        u, u_new = u_new, u

u = jacobi_par(10,100,3)

3-element DebugArray{Vector{Float64}, 1}:
[1] = [1.0, 0.7777511251764432, 0.5556056460575878, 0.3332569063154697]
[2] = [0.5556122817624403, 0.333265846578943, 0.11118785421447791, -0.11118785421447791, -0.3332569063154697]
[3] = [-0.11119802070547052, -0.333265846578943, -0.5556056460575878, -0.7777511251764432, -1.0]

Parallel execution

After having debugged the code in sequential, we just need to change a couple of code passages to execute the Jacobi method in parallel using MPI. First of all, include the Julia MPI API MPI.jl.

using MPI

In general, any Julia program can be executed using MPI.jl like so:

run(`$(mpiexec()) -np 3 julia -e 'println("hi!")'`);

The command mpiexec launches MPI and -np specifies the number of processes. Instead of passing the code, you can also copy the code in a file called filename.jl and launch the code with

run(`$(mpiexec()) -np 3 julia --project=. filename.jl`)

The MPI mode

Now we can call the main function, which calls the parallel Jacobi method, using with_mpi(main). This expression calls function main "in MPI mode". Essentially, with_mpi(main) calls function main with function argument distribute_with_mpi. The function distribute_with_mpi in turn creates an MPIArray from a given collection and distributes its items over the ranks of the given MPI communicator comm. (If comm is not specified, the standard communicator MPI.COMM_WORLD is used.) The difference to the debug mode is that now a real distributed MPIArray is used where before DebugArray was employed. To switch back to debug mode, simply replace with_mpi with with_debug.

Finally the whole syntax is copied in a Julia quote block and run with mpiexec.

code = quote
   using PartitionedArrays

   function main(distribute)
       function jacobi_par(n,niters,p)
           ranks = distribute(LinearIndices((p,)))
           ghost = true
           row_partition = uniform_partition(ranks,p,n,ghost)
           u = pzeros(Float64,row_partition)
           map(partition(u)) do my_u
               my_u[1] = 1
               my_u[end] = -1
           u_new = copy(u)
           for iter in 1:niters
               t = consistent!(u)
               map(partition(u),partition(u_new)) do my_u, my_u_new
                   my_n = length(my_u)
                   for i in 2:(my_n-1)
                       my_u_new[i] = 0.5*(my_u[i-1]+my_u[i+1])
              u, u_new = u_new, u
   u = jacobi_par(10,100,3)
   end # main


   end # quote

run(`$(mpiexec()) -np 3  julia --project=. -e $code`);

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